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2017 - Videos - Unterirdische israelische Lobbyarbeit in Großbritannien


Auf Unterseiten finden sie die deutsche Übersetzung des  Videos

2017 - Video 1 -  Lobbyarbeit in Großbritannien
2017 - Video 2 -  Lobbyarbeit in Großbritannien
2017 - Video 3 -  Lobbyarbeit in Großbritannien
2017 - Video 4 -  Lobbyarbeit in Großbritannien

Hier auch: 2017 - Videos und deutsche Übersetzung - 2018 - Die israelische Lobby in den USA >>>


Al Jazeera Investigations zeigt, wie die Israel-Lobby die britische Politik beeinflusst. Eine sechsmonatige Undercover-Untersuchung zeigt, wie Israel in verschiedene Ebenen der britischen Demokratie vordringt.

Episode Eins: In Teil Eins zeigt Al Jazeera Investigations, wie Pro-Israel-Gruppen versuchen, die britische Jugend zu beeinflussen.

Episode Zwei: Im zweiten Teil schließt sich unser verdeckter Reporter einer Delegation der israelischen Botschaft auf dem Labour Party Conference im vergangenen Jahr an.

Episode Drei: Im dritten Teil erlebt unser Undercover-Reporter ein heftiges Gespräch zwischen zwei gegnerischen Aktivisten. Die Beweise werfen ernsthafte Fragen auf, ob Vorwürfe des Antisemitismus dazu benutzt werden, die politische Debatte zu ersticken.

Episode Vier: Im vierten Teil bespricht der hochrangige politische Offizier der israelischen Botschaft in London eine mögliche Verschwörung, britische Politiker - einschließlich eines Ministers - zu "erledigen".   Quelle der Videos


Al Jazeera Investigations – The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel

Episode Eins: In Teil Eins zeigt Al Jazeera Investigations, wie Pro-Israel-Gruppen versuchen, die britische Jugend zu beeinflussen.




Al Jazeera Investigations – The Lobby P2: The Training Session

Episode Zwei: Im zweiten Teil schließt sich unser verdeckter Reporter einer Delegation der israelischen Botschaft auf dem Labour Party Conference im vergangenen Jahr an.



Al Jazeera Investigations - The Lobby P3: An Anti-Semitic Trope

Episode Drei: Im dritten Teil erlebt unser Undercover-Reporter ein heftiges Gespräch zwischen zwei gegnerischen Aktivisten. Die Beweise werfen ernsthafte Fragen auf, ob Vorwürfe des Antisemitismus dazu benutzt werden, die politische Debatte zu ersticken.




The Lobby Episode 4: The Takedown

Episode Vier: Im vierten Teil bespricht der hochrangige politische Offizier der israelischen Botschaft in London eine mögliche Verschwörung, britische Politiker - einschließlich eines Ministers - zu "erledigen".


Auf Unterseiten finden sie die deutsche Übersetzung des  Videos

2017 - Video 1 -  Lobbyarbeit in Großbritannien
2017 - Video 2 -  Lobbyarbeit in Großbritannien
2017 - Video 3 -  Lobbyarbeit in Großbritannien
2017 - Video 4 -  Lobbyarbeit in Großbritannien



The Zionist Lobby and Israel are a Threat to Democracy! - Dr. Ludwig Watzal - The Zionist agents were just caught by Al Jazeera trying to destabilize the British political system. That the Zionist Lobby controls the Middle Eastern policy of the US Congress and large parts of the US media is a foregone conclusion. Does the Israel Lobby also give Angela Merkel her head?


21. 2. 2017

How the Israel lobby is using Owen Jones - Asa Winstanley Lobby Watch 21 February 2017 - Last week the Jewish Labour Movement announced that Guardian columnist Owen Jones will be the big name speaker at an event the group is holding on 2 April.

Jones will lecture on “left anti-Semitism, the Middle East and the Labour Party.”

The Jewish Labour Movement scoring Jones appears to be a high-profile instance of a new push endorsed by Israel’s government to ensure that Palestine solidarity “instigators” are “singled out” from so-called “soft critics” of Israel.

According to The Jewish Daily Forward, the strategy – jointly developed by the Reut Institute and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) – “calls for a big tent approach that accepts progressive critics of Israel” while also demanding “an all-out assault on leading critics of Israel, sometimes using covert means.”

“The instigators must be singled out from the other groups, and handled uncompromisingly, publicly or covertly,” the Reut-ADL report states, according to The Forward, which obtained a copy on condition it not publish the entire document.

The Jewish Labour Movement, a pro-Israel organization within the UK’s main opposition Labour Party, appears to be on board with this strategy.

Al Jazeera’s recent undercover documentary The Lobby revealed the Jewish Labour Movement’s close ties to the Israeli embassy, as well as its campaign against BDS, the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement.
Splitting the left >>>


14. 1. 2017

How the Israel lobby fakes anti-Semitism - Asa Winstanley Lobby Watch - 14. 1. 2017 - Undercover video shot by Al Jazeera reveals the lengths to which some leaders of the UK’s influential pro-Israel networks will go to discredit their critics.

Part three of The Lobby, broadcast on Friday night, shows the chairperson of Labour Friends of Israel falsely claiming a Palestine Solidarity Campaign supporter had abused her with anti-Semitism. Speaking to an undercover reporter who she thought was a pro-Israel activist, lawmaker Joan Ryan claimed the PSC activist had said Labour Friends of Israel was a route to getting a job at a bank in the City, London’s financial district.

“You heard her say … ‘join you lot and you get into Oxford’ or ‘you get into working in the bank,’” Ryan says. But the film shows that PSC supporter Jean had said no such thing. “A friend of mine’s son’s got a really good job at Oxford University on the basis of having worked for Labour Friends of Israel,” the undercover footage proves Jean saying at the LFI stall at the Labour Party conference in September. At no point does the PSC supporter mention banks or the City of London.

Ryan accuses Jean of falling for “rumors” and claims that “it’s a trope. It’s about conspiracy theorists and cabals.” She later claims Jean had invoked “classic anti-Semitic tropes.” Soon after, Ryan went to the press with her claims. And she told a Jewish Labour Movement event that evening that the incident “tells you something about why we need to be having this Against Anti-Semitism Rally.” Ryan reported Jean to the Labour Party for formal investigation. The experience had a profoundly disturbing effect on Jean’s life, leaving her under a cloud of suspicion.

In episode two of The Lobby, Israeli embassy agent Shai Masot is seen telling the undercover reporter that complaints of anti-Semitism should be pursued against long-time anti-racism activist and Labour Party member Jackie Walker. “Do not let it go,” Masot says. He encourages similar tactics against others: “Not just her, all of the party.” “I reported that incident with that woman,” Ryan later tells LFI supporter and chair of the Home Affairs Select Committee, Chuka Umunna, who was checking up on the stall. >>>

The Israel lobby scandal and Labour's anti-Semitism 'crisis' are intimately linked - Ben White's - The manufactured crisis was weaponised against Jeremy Corbyn and pro-Palestinian activists to stifle any criticism of Israel. - The latest revelations to emerge from the Al Jazeera investigation into the work of the Israeli embassy in London and pro-Israel lobby groups in Britain are a reminder of an issue that once dominated the headlines: the Labour Party's so-called "anti-Semitism crisis". Like Israeli embassy official Shai Masot being caught on camera seeking to "take down" British politicians, the fact that Labour Friends of Israel (LFI) director MP Joan Ryan is shown to have misrepresented and smeared a pro-Palestinian party member is instructive, but not a shock.

The so-called 'anti-Semitism crisis' – that involved a handful of individuals in a political party of more than 400 MPs and peers and around 500,000 members – was also used as a stick with which to beat Corbyn by his enemies.

For Ryan to claim that it is "anti-Semitic" to describe LFI as a well-funded, prestigious group, membership of which can be "a stepping-stone to good jobs" is instructive about just how willing Israel's apologists are to drain the term of all meaning. It is also a reminder of how the charge of anti-Semitism has been weaponised by both the Israeli government and the enemies of Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn. The latter occurred during Corbyn's leadership election bid in 2015, when papers such as the Daily Mail and Jewish Chronicle ran a series of articles attacking the veteran left-winger, including attacking him through crude efforts at guilt through (tenuous) association.

But the Labour "anti-Semitism crisis" really got going in February 2016, with the resignation of a former intern at Israel lobby group the Britain Israel Communications and Research Centre (BICOM) from the Oxford University Labour Club in protest at its endorsement of Israeli Apartheid Week. >>>



AIPAC’s secretive strategy to transform UK politics - Ali Abunimah - AIPAC is hoping to turn UK politics into a carbon copy of the US Congress, where the powerful lobby group has long quashed virtually all open criticism of Israel’s violent suppression of Palestinian rights. The final episode of The Lobby, Al Jazeera’s groundbreaking investigation of the Israel lobby’s activities in the UK, casts light on the extent of AIPAC’s transatlantic ambitions.

Meanwhile, Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the UK’s main opposition Labour Party, has called on the government to investigate Israeli interference in the British political system. Though AIPAC’s influence is increasingly under challenge, it remains one of the best organized and effective players in US politics.

Episode four of The Lobby, which can be viewed above, shows Al Jazeera’s undercover reporter attending a meeting of City Friends of Israel, a group established with the help of Israeli embassy agent Shai Masot to build support for Israel within London’s financial district.

The meeting was coordinated with AIPAC and is addressed by Joe Richards, the lobby group’s “Wall Street director,” who explains how it focuses on building relationships with lawmakers. “The real strategic goal is to get the UK to behave more like the US than Europe, when it comes to Israel, pull them, tug them into the US sphere,” another of the US attendees at the meeting explains to Al Jazeera’s undercover reporter. >>>


Is Labour Friends of Israel an Israeli embassy front? - Asa Winstanley - Part two of Al Jazeera’s film The Lobby dives deep into the UK’s pro-Israel networks. It uncovers a startling reality: many of the organizations posing as independent support groups for Israel are operated effectively as covert extensions of the Israeli embassy.

Speaking to an undercover reporter, a key Labour Friends of Israel officer clarified the need for secrecy. “We work really closely together,” said Michael Rubin. “But a lot of it is behind the scenes.” Labour Friends of Israel, which counts dozens of lawmakers among its supporters, is a pro-Israel lobby group inside the UK’s main opposition party.

The Al Jazeera reporter was posing as a Labour activist wanting to volunteer for Israel. Known to them as “Robin,” the reporter had been put in contact with Rubin by the embassy’s senior political officer, Shai Masot.

Masot was caught on camera during the six-month investigation plotting to “take down” senior government minister Alan Duncan and other lawmakers. Masot approached Robin with the idea of starting a youth wing of Labour Friends of Israel. But he emphasized the need to keep the embassy’s role in the background: “You can tell him [Rubin] that I suggested to contact him, but not [tell him you have] my support because LFI is an independent organization.”

“No one likes that someone is managing his organization,” he said, with a smile.  >>>



Israeli government cash to UK’s Union of Jewish Students exposed - Asa Winstanley - 12 January 2017 - The Union of Jewish Students receives funding from the Israeli embassy in London, a six-month investigation into the Israel lobby has revealed. “The Israeli embassy in the UK gives money to the Union of Jewish Students,” pro-Israel activist Adam Schapira says, speaking to an undercover reporter. This comes to light in episode one of Al Jazeera’s groundbreaking film The Lobby which was broadcast on Wednesday, and can be watched in the video above.

“Once you’re involved with the Union of Jewish Students, they then connect you,” said Schapira. “My sister worked for the embassy for a bit, as her first job. It’s a good platform to do for like a year.” The UJS sent students critical of the union’s president Malia Bouattia on trips to Israel. The Al Jazeera film shows another pro-Israel operative in UJS scheming to overthrow Bouattia because of her stance in support of Palestinian rights and the boycott of Israel.

Israel lobby - The UJS has long been an important part of the Israel lobby in the UK, so it is little surprise that evidence has emerged of financial links with the embassy. UJS’s constitution commits it to “inspiring Jewish students to making an enduring commitment” to Israel. As The Electronic Intifada revealed, one previous UJS president, Ella Rose, later went on to work as an officer at the Israeli embassy. She moved straight on from there to her current position at the Jewish Labour Movement, another Israel lobby group.

Links between pro-Israel organizations in the UK and the Israeli state go deep. In September a cable leaked to an Israeli newspaper revealed the embassy had lodged a complaint with the Israeli foreign ministry that Israel’s strategic affairs ministry was “operating” UK groups in a way that could violate UK law. The strategic affairs ministry has been given a $45 million budget to try to sabotage the Palestine solidarity movement through what a veteran Israeli analyst has termed “black ops.” >>>



Who is lying about Israeli embassy agent Shai Masot? - Ali Abunimah - 12 January 2017 - Israel’s strategic affairs minister Gilad Erdan has denied outright that an official at Israel’s London embassy exposed plotting to “take down” UK lawmakers deemed hostile to Israel works for his ministry.

But the embassy official, Shai Masot, revealed to an undercover reporter working for Al Jazeera that he was indeed working on a secret project for Israel’s ministry of strategic affairs.

In the fourth and final part of Al Jazeera’s groundbreaking film The Lobby, to be broadcast on Saturday, Masot will be seen telling the reporter that he is involved in a project to set up a front company run by the strategic affairs ministry to help fight the BDS – boycott, divestment and sanctions – movement.

Masot’s statements secretly recorded during Al Jazeera’s six-month undercover investigation of the Israel lobby’s influence in the UK directly contradict Erdan’s flat denial made in a series of tweets on Thursday. >>>

Did Israeli embassy spy on Scottish National Party? -  9 January 2017 - SNP activist Andy Murray was banned from entering Israel soon after meeting Israeli embassy agent Shai Masot.

A prominent Scottish National Party activist has told The Electronic Intifada that he has “no doubt” that the Israeli embassy official who plotted to “take down” a “hit list” of UK lawmakers was responsible for his deportation by Israel.

Andy Murray, founder of SNP Friends of Palestine, was detained and questioned at Tel Aviv airport in November 2015, when travelling in advance of a parliamentary delegation. During his interrogation, Murray was presented with a series of photographs of him manning the Friends of Palestine stall at the SNP conference in Aberdeen the previous month. The SNP is the governing party in Scotland.

At the conference Murray had been approached at the stall by a man who later identified himself via a business card as Shai Masot, a “senior political officer” at the Israeli embassy. >>>




13. 1. 2017

Geldzuwendungen der israelischen Regierung an britische jüdische Studentenvereinigung aufgedeckt - Asa Winstanley - 12.01.2017 - Wie eine sechsmonatige Recherche bei der Israel-Lobby aufgedeckt hat, hat die Union of Jewish Students (UJS) Gelder von der israelischen Botschaft in London erhalten.

"Die israelische Botschaft in Großbritannien gibt der UJS Geld", sagt der pro-israelische Aktivist Adam Shapira im Gespräch mit einem undercover Reporter. Das kommt in Episode One im Film The Lobby von Al Jazeera ans Tageslicht; (der Film) wurde am Dienstag ausgestrahlt und kann im Video unten angesehen werden.

"Wenn du einmal mit der UJS zu tun hattest, dann kontaktieren sie dich", sagte Shapira. "Meine Schwester hat eine Weile bei der Botschaft gearbeitet, es war ihr erster Job. Es ist eine gute Plattform, für ungefähr ein Jahr."

Die UJS schickte Studenten, die Maila Bouattia, die Präsidentin der Union, kritisch sahen, auf Reisen nach Israel. Der Film von Al Jazeera zeigte eine weitere pro-israelische Agentin in der UJS, die gegen Bouattia intrigiert, um sie wegen ihrer Unterstützung der palästinensischen Rechte und dem Boykott Israels zu stürzen.

Israel Lobby - Die UJS war lange ein wichtiger Teil der Israel Lobby in Großbritannien, sodass es wenig überrascht, dass Beweise für finanzielle Verbindungen mit der Botschaft aufgetaucht sind. Die Satzung der UJS verpflichtet sie, "jüdische Studenten zu motivieren sich nachhaltig für Israel zu engagieren".

Wie die Electronic Intifada aufgedeckt hat, wurde eine ehemalige Präsidentin der UJS, Ella Rose, später leitende Angestellte in der israelischen Botschaft. Von dort wechselte sie geradewegs auf ihre derzeitige Position bei der Jewish Labour Movement, einer anderen israelischen Lobbygruppe.

Die Verbindungen zwischen pro-israelischen Organisationen und dem israelischen Staat sind tief. Im September deckte ein an eine israelische Zeitung geleaktes Telegramm auf, dass die Botschaft sich beim israelischen Außenminister beschwert hatte, dass der israelische Minister für strategische Angelegenheiten in einer Weise auf britische Gruppen eingewirkt hat, dass es britisches Recht verletzen könnte.





11. 1. 2017

Israelischer Diplomat plante den britischen Vize-Außenminister zu "stürzen", weil er die Siedlungen kritisiert hatte - Philip Weiss - 09.01.2917 - Im Vereinigten Königreich passieren Dinge, die in den USA nicht passieren: Al Jazeera ist im Begriff eine vierteilige Investigativserie mit dem Titel "Die Lobby" über den Einfluss der israelischen Lobby auf die britische Politik zu veröffentlichen.

Am Wochenende hat Al Jazeera eines der belastendsten Untersuchungsergebnisse veröffentlicht: dass ein Funktionär der regierenden Konservativen Partei in London mit einem israelischen Diplomaten darüber konspiriert hätte, wie man einen großen Skandal verursachen könnte, wie (z.B.) "den britischen Vize-Außenminister (Sir Alan Duncan) ... zur Strecke zu bringen", weil er Kritik an den israelischen Siedlungen geäußert hatte. Duncan ist Mitglied der selben konservativen Partei.

Al Jazeera beschreibt seine Investigativserien so: Die britische Regierung ist mitten in einer dreisten verdeckten Kampagne zur Einflußnahme, wie eine sechsmonatige undercover-Ermittlung durch Al Jazeera enthüllen wird.

Wann wird sich eine Mainstream-Nachrichtenorganisation in den USA ein solches Projekt vornehmen? (Die New York Times hat die Enthüllung heute auf Seite 3A.)

Die britische Regierung hat sich jetzt entschuldigt und gesagt, sie weise die Äußerungen zurück; der britische Außenminister hat die Entschuldigung angenommen.

Al Jazeera beschreibt den undercover-Vorfall wie folgt: Robin (alias für einen Journalisten von Al Jazeera) stellte sich so, als sei er  Aktivist und Akademiker mit großen Sympathien für Israel, der bestrebt sei   bei der Bekämpfung der in Britannien bedeutenden BDS-Bewegung mitzuhelfen...

Robin filmte in einer Londoner Brasserie heimlich den  Moment, als Shai Masot, ein ranghoher politischer Amtsträger (Offizier) bei  der israelischen Botschaft, Maria Strizzolo, die damalige Stabschefin für den Parlamentsabgeordneten Robert Halfon, den stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden der Konservativen Partei, fragte: "Kann ich Ihnen einige Abgeordnete (MPS) nennen, die ich Ihnen vorschlagen würde zu stürzen?" Strizzolo antwortete: "Na ja, Sie wissen, wenn Sie genau genug hinschauen,  bin ich mir sicher, dass da etwas ist, was sie zu verbergen suchen."

 "Ja, ich habe (die Namen von) ein paar Abgeordnete", antwortete Masot. "(Strizzolo) weiß, welchen Abgeordneten ich stürzen möchte... den Vize-Außenminister." Masot bezog sich dabei auf Sir Alan Duncan, den Vize-Außenminister. >>>

UK MPs urge probe into Israeli plot against politicians >>>

Israel embassy scandal sign of panic, as much as influence >>>


2017 - Video 1 -  Lobbyarbeit in Großbritannien
2017 - Video 2 -  Lobbyarbeit in Großbritannien
2017 - Video 3 -  Lobbyarbeit in Großbritannien
2017 - Video 4 -  Lobbyarbeit in Großbritannien


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