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Friedlicher Widerstand

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2020 - Abkommen Israel AVE
Trump + der "Deal des Jahrhunderts"
Trumps "Friedenplan"
Genver Initiative - Trump Plan
2015 - Rede Abbas vor der UNO
2013 - "Der Kerry Plan"
2012.11.28 - Palästina  Beobachterstaat in UNO
2011 - Palästina Vollmitglied UNESCO
2011 - Palästinensischer UN-Antrag
2011 "Palästina Papiere"
2011 - Fatah + Hamas einigen sich?
2007 - Abbas und Olmert in Annapolis
2005 Friedensverhandlungen
2009 - Obamas  in Kairo
Genfer Initiative
alles wollte - nichts bekommen


         Wer im Feind den Menschen ignoriert,
der ist des Menschen Feind.

Wer für den Frieden kämpft,
nicht aber für des Feindes Frieden,
der ist des Friedens Feind.

Organisationen - Staaten

Die Aktivitäten von ÄRZTE OHNE GRENZEN in den palästinensischen Autonomiegebieten (9. September 2002)

Grünhelme e.V.

Die UNRWA ist eine Organisation der Vereinten Nationen

Informationen über die palästinensischen Flüchtlinge (Arabisch/Englisch)

Palestine Ministry Of Information Homepage

Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS)

Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC)

Seite der Palästinensischen Generaldelegation in Deutschland, Texten zum Friedensprozess und zur palästinensischen Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur.

Deutsch-Palästinensische Gesellschaft
Friedensforum Duisburg "Gush Shalom"

Terra Tech setzt Schwerpunkt in Palaestina

ICB - The International Center of Bethlehem
Universität Birzeit - allgemeinen Informationen und Links(in englischer Sprache).
Bat Shalom – The Israeli side of The Jerusalem Link – A Women’s Joint Venture for Peace (est. 1993)  e-mail:  batshalo(at)netvision.net.il  website: www.batshalom.org .
Women in Black – holding weekly vigils throughout Israel  (est. 1988).
New Profile - Movement for the Civilization of Israeli Society – Addresses issues of militarism and gives support to conscientious objectors in Israel (since 1998) web site: www/newprofile.org
WILPF – Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom - Israeli chapter.
Quelle: Coalition of Women for a Just Peace in the Middle East
Machsom-Watch – a group of women who monitor and prevent human rights violations at checkpoints.
Uta Klein: Frauen in der israelischen Friedensbewegung
Defence for Children International / PS
amnesty International, Berichte nach Land
LAW The Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights and the Environment", ist eine Menschenrechtsorganisation

Amnesty International (ai)-Palestinian Group 

amnesty International, Berichte ÜBER PALÄSTINA - DEUTSCH
Berichte von Amnesty International zu den palaestinensischen Autonomiegebieten
Addameer Prisoners and Human Rights Organisation (West Bank, Palestine)
Al-Haq, Law in the Service of Man (West Bank, Palestine)
IPPNW-Internationale Ärzte für die Verhütung des Atomkriegs.
Israelisches Informationszentrum für Menschenrechte in den Besetzten Gebieten Palästinas - (Arabisch/Englisch/Hebräisch)
Israel/Palestine Venter for research and Information IPCRI
Law in the Service of Man (Al-Haq)  - Al-Haq, the West Bank affiliate of the Geneva-based

The International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), is a Palestinian human rights organization which was founded in 1979 by Palestinian lawyers concerned with the protection and promotion of the principles of human rights and the rule of law.

Jerusalemites A Beautifully made Palestinian site containing plenty of information and material.
MIFTAH - the Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy (Jerusalem)
The Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group
Berichte von Amnesty International zu den palaestinensischen Autonomiegebieten
Peace Women
Palestinian Centre for Human Rights
The Palestinian Society for the Protection of the Human Rights and the Environment (LAW) 
Palestinian Independent Commission for Citizen's Rights (PICCR) 
Women's Affairs Technical Committee (WATC)
Friedensgruppen - Menschenrechte
amnesty international Deutschland - Länderberichte
Al-Haq Online Law in the Service of Man
Americans for a Third Way in the Middle East - "Daily links to voices of moderation". "
Americans for Middle East Understanding 
Arab Association for Human Rights Israel
Association of Forty
Australian Jewish Democratic Society Progressive Jewish Group that runs a peace education program. Web site includes news, articles and links.
Badil Resource Center for Palestinian Refugee & Residency Rights Palestine
Bat-Shalom  Israel/Palestine Women's Organization for peace
Betselem Israel -Leftist Human rights organization that monitors building in Jerusalem etc.
Beyond Blame - Middle East Peace and Dialog Links
Brit Tzedek v' Shalom -  New national (USA) "Pro-Israel, Anti-Occupation" membership organization.
Canadian Friends of Peace Now  Canadian arm of Israeli Shalom Achshav (Peace Now).
Christian Peacemaker Teams
Churches for Middle East Peace
Deir Yassin Remembered US group commemorating the Deir Yassin Massacre of 1948
Faculty for Israeli-Palestinian Peace -  "A network of faculty endeavoring to achieve peace in the Middle East".
Focus on Palestine
Gaza Community Mental Health Program (GCMHP)
Gush Shalom Founded by veteran peace activist Uri Avneri.
ICAHD-Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions
Interfaith Witness for Peace in the Middle East USA group active in promoting peace and people to people dialog in the Middle East.
International Solidarity Movement - pro Palestinian group.
IPCRI- Israel / Palestine Center for Research and Information
Jewish Defense League
Jewish Peace Fellowship Peace oriented group in U.S
Jewish Voice for Peace
Just Peace Technologies
Middle East Children's Alliance
MIFTAH The Palestinian Initiative for Promotion of Peace and Democracy
Neve Shalom / Wahat El Salaam Jewish/Arab village - conducts dialogs.
Occupational Hazard - Israeli peace site (a pun om "occupation")
Other Israel Israel - Leftist/peace organization
Palestinian Center for Rapprochement
Palestinian Council for Justice and Peace
Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group
Physicians for Human Rights - Israel
Passia Palestine Society for the Study of International Affairs
Place 4 Peace
Refuser Solidarity Network  
Sabeel - Christian Palestinian Group
Seeds of Peace
Shimon Peres Peace Center - Israel- Economic cooperation organization founded by the ex-prime-minister
Shalom Adishav
Support Sanity - Campaign to build massive support for Israeli-Palestinian peace and a  two state solution.
Ta'ayush "Arab-Jewish Partnership"
The Arab Organization for Human Rights (AOHR)
The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics Palestine- Independent statistical organization>
The Palestinian Independent Commission for Citizens' Rights
Tikkun Community - Reconstructionist Jewish (USA) peace group
Yakar  Jerusalem, Israel group devoted to dialog both within Jewish society and between Arabs and Jews.
jewish peace fellowship
Jewish Voice For Peace
Jewish Voices Against Israel's Occupation of Palestinian Territories
Jüdische Stimme für einen gerechten Frieden zwischen Israel und Palästina
israelischer und palestinensischer Friedens- und Menschenrechtsorganisationen


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